As an entirely volunteer run organisation, we rely on our membership to drive us forward. If you’re interested in getting involved, here’s a few ways for you to support us.

How to support us

Become a Member

As a volunteer-run organisation, supporting us with an annual membership is a huge help. We aim to keep our overhead to a minimum, but some expenses are unavoidable. Remember that being a member is not required to join any of our events.

Buy some swag

We’re aiming to create a couple of things throughout the year for you to purchase. Show off your VIBC love and help us raise some funds at the same time!

Come to our events

We run lots of bikepacking events throughout the warmer months. If you’ve been curious about bikepacking, or are an experienced cyclists, everybody is welcome! Let’s strap some stuff to your bike and go.

A lot of our events are sponsored by amazing local bike-friendly companies. A few of the businesses that have supported us in the past are:

If you run a business, or know of a business that would love to support a small grassroots bike organisation, please get in touch!